
“The optimum level of grow is achieved outside of our comfort zone so do not settle for complacency.”

Q: What does being a brother mean to you in 2020?

A: Being a brother in 2020 means that you are there for your brothers and sisters in times of need. You are responsible for helping your brothers and sisters grow and become the person that they want to be and encouraging them along the way. It is also your duty to hold your brothers and sisters accountable for their actions, while ensuring that they learn from their mistakes. At the end of the day, being a brother means that your are there to help your brothers and sisters when they need you the most. 

Q: How have the injustices against the black community impacted your view of family?

A: The injustices against the black community remind me of the importance of having a strong and supportive family. In this day and age, families have to ensure that they are raising their children to be aware of the issues affecting the black community and advising them of ways to navigate the world that we live today. Families have to remain strong and continue to encourage one another to stay safe. 

Q: How do you feel being a black man in the world today?

A: I’m proud to be a black man in the world today. The world tends to associate the color of our skin with negativity, which can be challenging, but it makes achieving success even more rewarding. It is important to educate and open doors for individuals that may not have the same opportunities as our counterparts. As you progress throughout life, you realize the importance of networking and pulling one another up the ladder of success.

Q: What would you say to other young black brothers?

A: Continue to work towards your goals and preserve during the tough times. Do not let other people’s opinions derail you from achieving your goals. Also, as you progress throughout your life, continue to help those who are less fortunate. The true character of a man is determined by how you treat the people who can not do anything for you.


